Jesus is The Life

16th August 2021

In 1952 Miller and Urey conducted an experiment, that resulted in the formation of amino acid, from inorganic matter. They then announced to the world that they were very close to finding a naturalistic explanation to the origin of life on earth. Almost 70 years are past and the origin of life research is nowhere near giving a naturalistic explanation to the origin of Life. In the last 70 years discoveries regarding the complexity of a single cell has baffled the origin of life scientists . The discovery of DNA, in the cell, in 1953 by Watson and Crick has made scientists question how information came to be stored in the DNA. From where did this information come. But the complexity increased. The code in the DNA was copied by messenger RNA, which mRNA took to a molecular machine called  Ribosome. The Ribosome decoded the message. Transfer RNA brought in various amino acids as per the instruction in the code and the Ribosome synthesises these specific amino acids to form specific functioning proteins for various body functions. This is just a miniscule complexity in a living cell. How did such a complex living cell originate. And how did even more complex plant  and animal forms come into existence ? What about human life with its free will, consciousness and ability to discern right from wrong ?

The Bible states that life in every form was the result of the creative act of God. And man was the result of a special creative act of God. The Bible states in Gen 2:7  the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Man, unlike animals, was created in the image of God. Man unlike plants and animals was created for immortality. Though sin resulted in physical death, man would continue to live, either with God forever – Eternal Life or live separated from God – Eternal death – either way man is immortal.

How then can a sinful man doomed for eternal separation from God receive Eternal Life and live with God forever. Jesus, the creator of every life form, came to give Life. But in order to give life, Jesus had to taste death. The very person who was the cause of all life had to die to give Eternal Life . The only reason man will have to suffer eternal death is SIN. And Jesus became SIN . 2Co 5:21  God made him who had no sin to be sin for us. And it was SIN that caused Jesus to suffer death on the Cross – not just physical death but the very punishment of God for SIN as Rom 6:23 says the wages of Sin is death.

Jesus is not only the creator of biological life , Jesus is the Life. It is in coming to Jesus, trusting in His finished work on the Cross and Jesus indwelling in us do we begin to experience Life that is Eternal. 

We come, O Christ, to Thee,
  True Son of God and man,
By whom all things consist,
  In whom all life began:
In Thee alone we live and move
And have our being in Thy love.

Thou only art true Life,
  To know Thee is to live
The more abundant life
  That earth can never give:
O Risen Lord! We live in Thee
And Thou in us eternally!

Edith Margaret Clarkson