Sanctified Time Pass 09/03/15

The weekend is gone. Party time is over. Back to the daily grind of office and work. But here are some things to get you through the day if you need a break.

5 heart-piercing, thought-provoking articles

Passionately Pleading with God is a Good Thing
I used to think that it was offensive to God to plead with him. I felt that if I did that, I’m acting as if He doesn’t know our needs, like He is not all knowing. If you feel the same way, this article will give you some clarity.

The Danger of Pet Sins
Too often, we want to rank our sins and pretend that they aren’t that bad. Each of us has our sins that we know that we struggle with, but either we feel powerless to overcome them, or unmotivated to fight against them. What should be our battle plan?

Who Wrote your Gospel?
This is challenging writing. Many of us are too dependent on others to hear from God and knowing what His Word says. Which gospel are we following? The gospel that was given to us by God, or our favorite pastor or friend? Are we discovering the gospel for ourselves?

Parenting Means Wrestling Demons
An eye-opening article on parenting and how to approach leading our children. This correlates well with the parenting discussions that are floating around Marg.

Who Turned the Lights Out?
Many of us have been there during a worship service when they dim the lights? Is this necessary? Do we need to set the mood for worship? This articles makes an argument that we should keep the lights bright for the people to worship.

Verse of the Week

John 20:30-21
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Faith-strengthening video

This pastor shows us the seriousness of the dangers of the prosperity gospel. He is not bashful about condemning this teaching and we need to listen with open ears to what he is saying.

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