Sovereign God
4 Jan 2021
Isaiah 44:24 to 45:14
190 years before the events unfolded in History, God foretold through the prophet Isaiah, of His unique intervention in the history of Israel. The focus of this revelation was that, He as a Sovereign God will do what He wills, to accomplish His eternal purposes, according to the way He decides.
God in times past, had intervened, through men like Moses, Gideon, David to deliver His people, the Israelites, from conflicts and captivity. But God in His Sovereignty would do something different – He would make an insignificant heathen, to become the king of Babylon, for the express purpose of setting the Israelites free from Babylonian captivity. But if this itself was not unique, He will make that heathen king to initiate the reconstruction of His Temple and will make him provide all necessary resources to construct the Temple. Almost 190 years, after this prophecy, was born Cyrus, who against all odds, became the king of Medes and went on to conquer Babylon. He signed a decree permitting the Israelites to go back to their nation. And we read in the book of Ezra the deeds of Cyrus in rebuilding the Temple.
But why should God use a heathen to accomplish His work ? Was there not a Daniel? Why not an Israelite of the tribe of Judah? How can God call this uncircumcised heathen “My shepherd” “ My anointed.”? God foresaw these questions and responded in Isa 45:9-11.
To this day man continues to question this Sovereign God. If God is running this universe why is there so much evil ? Why suffering, sickness, violence, poverty, devastations, calamity? Why do “good“ people have bad things happening to them ? But, in the sight of God how valuable is this “good” man? God’s response is “Woe to him who strives with his Maker!–a worthless piece of broken pottery among other pieces equally worthless.” The best of men are just worthless in the sight of a Holy God . We read in Romans 3: 12 “All have turned aside; together they have gone wrong and have become unprofitable and worthless;” And we dare question God’s ways !!!
Yet this Sovereign God chose to love us, worthless mankind and deliver us from our captivity to sin, not through an earthly king, but through His own son Jesus, the King of Kings.
Amazing love, how can it be
That You, my King, should die for me?
Amazing love, I know it’s true
It’s my joy to honor You
In all I do, to honor You
Let us subject, surrender and submit our life to this Sovereign God, to do in and through us what is pleasing in His sight during the year 2021. Amen